Hope is faith in things unseen, the promise of things to come. Without we hide under the bed of our soul and never let God make us what we can be.
As 2020 turned over into 2021 and the New Year begins with yet more ugliness—deaths from Covid are up, Virtual Mass proves a poor substitute for the relating, hunger is rising and homocide rates with it, and a coup attempt that is probably just an opening sally has occurred—hope has never been a more vital component of our spiritual lives.
Samantha Powers told U.S. Catholic recently that, while the size of if the world's ills is massive, there are always things that can be done right in front of our noses. No one of us is called to save the world. (The work of Redemption has been done, I believe), but we are all called to remember that the kingdom is at hand--right in front of us. We're called to live in the kingdom, loving God with our whole hearts and our neighbor--whoever that is and a whoever comes our way each day--as ourselves.
We can't let darkness win. We'll know we walk there if we see His fruit. More on that another time.
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