
Showing posts from April, 2019

Notre Dame Burns

I tell you that something greater than the  temple  is here.                                 Mathew 12:6 I watched in horror, my stomach churning, holding back tears while the great cathedral in Paris burned. I wept when pictures surfaced of people kneeling, praying, singing in the street. The outpouring of grief for that holy site, that great cultural artifact, "the heart of France," has been genuine and understandable. My own sense of loss is deep. Very quickly, however, we began to hear people struggling to make sense of the event, Worse, some folks began to fold it into their own disparate belief system in awful ways. Some of the things I heard: It can't have been an accident, it had to be "them" (Muslims, anarchists, whoever you define as "them") Our Lady is alerting France to mend their ways and return to faith. The cathedral had been corrupted into a tourist attraction and didn't deserve God's protection. Let it burn, it hous