
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Inner Light

 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.                                                                              1John:1:5 I've been reading about Quakers for my most recent book, and I have become enamored with the concept of inner light. As a Roman Catholic, I value the structure of the church around me. In spite of eras of weak leadership, worldly popes, and/or men corrupted by power (and lack women's influence), having a center has generally kept us from splintering and from wandering into the extreme fringes of religious practice. Over the long haul of history, we get pulled back to center. Visionaries enrich the church; fanatics lead us over the cliff. Only time (and God's own judgment) sorts the wheat from the chaff. That said, I've always believed each individual needed to listen to the work of the Holy Spirit in them, calling them to l rest in God as they go about their daily