Wednesday, August 02, 2006


If you bring forth the precious without the vile, you shall be my mouthpiece.
Jeremiah 15:19

How do we bring for the precious without the vile? By taking in only the precious but not the vile? How do we live in the world without being a part of it? How do we then speak to it?

The word says "If you repent so that I restore you..."

To tell real stories about real people, is to deal with the ugly along with the beautiful, the good along with the bad. We have to sift for the precious in the midst of the crass. Between the vast moral wasteland of popular culture and the contrived fictions of inspirational romance and family-friendly programming lie the lives of real people making their way to God. To tell those stories requires the hand of God.

The Jerusalem Bible translation is this:

If you come back,I will take you back into my service;and if you utter noble, not despicable, thoughts,you shall be as my own mouth.

1. Repent
2. God acts to take you into his service
3. Utter nobel thoughts
4. God is in charge of the results.

That will work.

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