Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Word on Fire

...for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit

                    1 Thessalonians  1:5
In the middle of the angst, divisions, and failures of the Catholic Church this decade, I've looked for a spiritual home.

My parish, as luck would have it, is lovely; bible study there keeps me going. But it is shrinking. Between the flight of believers, aging out and changing demographics, it teeters toward disappearing. In my heart of hearts, I have my doubts about the old structure of parish/diocese/archdiocese/conference... It doesn't seem to be working. I have total faith that we as a community of faith can march on no matter what, but the structure? It may be time to let it fall.

I considered one of the traditional religious orders, some, including the one that raised me, take affiliate members. I've looked at various lay movements without finding much satisfaction. I spent some time perusing Formed and some of the online groups. None spoke to me.

So I've settled on Word on Fire. I admire the way in which the institute engages the culture. Wherever I go on social media (and I confess to being out there a lot) WoF is there, not cringing before the culture, not attacking the culture, but engaging the culture in a dialogue rooted and grounded in our faith. As a layperson called to be in the world but not of it and as a writer who prays for ways to make sure my work is soaked in my faith, and a person who uses technology, it feels like a good fit. I'm particularly fond of the magazine and podcast Evangelization and Culture. I'm happy to have my monthly subscription contribute.

I recommend their work—I hope one day to confidently call it our work. Look for us wherever you go. Start here:

or here

The Deadlies: Pride

                         When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.  Proverbs 11:2 Pride, at the root of the fir...